Thursday, December 16, 2010

For Future Reference

So, I am really enjoying my Christmas break. Yesterday was my first official day off. Manny and I went to playgroup and then we went to the Museum of Life and Science (which is super great, and even better that it is free to Durham residents on Wednesday afternoons), and I even kind of cleaned the bathroom and the playroom. I was so impressed with my productivity skills that I decided to do nothing today. And when I say nothing, I really mean nothing. I never left the house. I maybe looked out the window once. I figured--my husband isn't here, I don't have any homework, I have no responsibilities! Yay! Manny and I played, watched movies, played on the computer, and pretty much did nothing. (Don't judge, but we had chicken noodle soup, made by my mother-in-law, juice, and crescent rolls for supper.) But then it was 9:30 and Manny was having a melt down. What?! It's 9:30? How did that happen? So the moral of the story is that even though it is my Christmas break and we can do whatever we want, letting Manny do whatever he wants and letting him stay up late is not always the best idea. Turns out it's a bad one. Just for future reference.

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