Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Flashback Jan -Feb 2014

We had some amazing snow storms this year. At least for us.

It was pretty powdery, as you can see by that snowball Marcel is throwing.



But we got more and more snow. And ice. And just like in Atlanta (who we made fun of) we got stick in traffic. I always wondered how that would happen, how you could be dumb enough to get in something like that. Then it happened to me. I was supposed to go to a meeting for work, and it looked fine. No snow. When we were almost there it started snowing. Traffic got worse. As we got within a mile of my office (I had the kids with me) they called and said the meeting was canceled and they were closing the office so I should just turn around. Easier said than done. We spent 6 hrs in our van trying to get home. 6 hrs. And most of that was spent on the same road (probably 5 1/2 hrs where we went a couple of miles). It was incredibly awful. But we survived.

Manny's school had a circus!
Manny was a strongman, as you can see by the spiderman suit with muscles.

What a good looking mustache

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