Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Flashback Dec 2013

In December 2013...we took a trip to Ohio to visit some friends. It was 10 hrs or so driving. We made the trip with another family. So that was 3 adults and 4 kids and a van. It wasn't so bad, though. We made it just before the big snow storm that made the schools cancel. Yay! More time with our friends!
Marcel didn't really enjoy the snow. He didn't like it landing on his face.

Our friends (the Righters) have some awesome neighbors who had a pinata. Back story to this is the mom accidentally missed a birthday party of one of her kids' friends. The daughter was devastated and when asked what her mom could do to make it better-she said pinata. What a fun family.

Manny fought for the hand of Courtney. He only likes her when there is competition (Hyrum).

Manny starred as Joseph in a very liberal re-enactement of the Nativity.

Who knew Spiderman was at the birth of Jesus? And a fairy? Or maybe that's the angel. 

Manny also starred as Joseph in the school Nativity. Notice his secret crush (Ava) as Mary.

I can tell she would be a great mom. Look at her hug that baby.

We had Christmas at our house.

What a great year 2013 was.

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