Sunday, May 15, 2011


I graduated! Sadly, that doesn't really mean anything. I still have to take National Boards and State Boards. But at least I am done with school.
Here are some photos of my graduation. Well, the aftermath. Apparently Manny was super bad during the ceremony so Luis couldn't stay for the whole thing. They ended up playing in the soccer field until the ceremony was over.

Here is a nice view of Papi's robot leg and my awful choir robe-looking outfit. Who designs these things?

I tried to get some nice pictures of us as a family without the outfit, but it didn't quite work. Oh well. I tried.

What a cheeser.

More smiles that make me smile.


  1. you're so beautiful! is that dress from target? love it. :) congrats on graduating!!!! yay!

  2. Congratulations Rachel. I'm so proud of you. What a beautiful family you have. Manny is such a doll. I was so glad to have seen you at Christmas and to get to know Manny a little better. I also loved that idea about a Primary temple trip. You never know how that will impact those children. You're terrific!
