Saturday, May 14, 2011

Funny stories

I really should be documenting all the ridiculous things Manny says and does. He really cracks me up. A long time ago (I really meant to blog about it, but obviously have not blogged about anything) one of Manny's favorite stories was Tres Cerditos y el Lobo (three little pigs and the wolf). He is really into re-enacting things, things from movies he's seen, books he's read, etc. And you have to play a part, too. He'll even tell you what to say sometimes. So he would "build a house" out of couch pillows really high, sit in front of it, and put a pillow in front of him for the door. Then it would be your job to be the wolf and say, "Cerdito, cerdito, dejame entrar." And then he would say, "No, chinny, chin, chin." (He has since gotten better and knows all the words.) You: "then I'll soplare y soplare y tu casa tirare!" And then you would "blow" the house down (knock the pillows down). He would act all upset and then would say to do it again. This time it would be your turn to be the cerdito.
In the next months we would be outside and he would find some wood in the yard (I think it was actually mulch or something). And he would say, "Madera (wood)! I'm going to give this to the cerditos." So he went around collecting all the wood and making a big pile for the little pigs to be able to make their house. Well, at least the wood house. (He even checked on it the next day, and was sad when they hadn't taken it. I had to relocate it so it looked like the little pigs had used it.)
Another day he had me running up and down the sidewalk with him pretending to be a horse. Actually it was galloping. And we would have to say, "Neigh (how do you spell a horse sound?)! Neigh!" That in and of itself isn't that unusual for him, but he wanted to do it for a very long time. I had to take a break. And then another break for a snack and a glass of water and watch him gallop down the sidewalk.
Since Luis has broken his achilles tendon Manny has been very sweet. He tried to help Papi in any way he can. He'll get things for him, kiss his leg a lot and ask if it is better, and he often tells Luis, "I like your robot leg, Papi." How did I end up with such a sweet boy? He is always (okay, mostly always, he's 2 yr-old boy) so kind and sweet. He tells me he loves me all the time, says sorry for everything, even if he hurts a feeling or accidentally bumps something, etc. I just feel so lucky every day.

1 comment:

  1. how did luis break his achilles tendon?! that had to hurt. :/ manny is just the cutest! i love all these stories, keep them comin'.
