Sunday, May 15, 2011


I graduated! Sadly, that doesn't really mean anything. I still have to take National Boards and State Boards. But at least I am done with school.
Here are some photos of my graduation. Well, the aftermath. Apparently Manny was super bad during the ceremony so Luis couldn't stay for the whole thing. They ended up playing in the soccer field until the ceremony was over.

Here is a nice view of Papi's robot leg and my awful choir robe-looking outfit. Who designs these things?

I tried to get some nice pictures of us as a family without the outfit, but it didn't quite work. Oh well. I tried.

What a cheeser.

More smiles that make me smile.

Primary Temple Trip

Recently our Primary had a trip to the temple where they got to walk around the temple, the temple president and his wife spoke to them and gave them a "tour" of the outside of the temple, and then eat lunch afterwards. It was really fun and I think the kids really had a great time and felt the Spirit. Manny still talks about it and wants me to take him to the temple often.

Obviously I am not a photographer, but I tried to get a few pictures of the temple.

Even though I am only showing a few kids, there was quite a turn out of kids and their families.
And I am hoping to get a copy of the picture of all the families in front of the temple.

And I just had to add what a great artist my little boy is. He loves to color. And the best part is he doesn't just scribble scribble and ask for a new paper. He had those same 3 papers for 2 days and just kept adding more and more until every white space was covered. What a funny kid.

Potty Update

So, I was wondering if Manny would be wearing diapers forever. Everyone kept telling me that he just has to decide to do it. So true. He's been doing a great job at home (since I have been home from school), but I have been a little nervous to take him out in public. We had made one outing to the doctor (which was a great success, I must say). No accidents while we were out and he even went potty in the big boy potty while there (and we were gone for 2 plus hours [WIC appointments take a long time]). This was the second time in a big potty standing up.
And today we went to church and had no accidents!!! Yay for Manny! And excitement for me! So I hope I am not jinxing it, but I think we are off to a great start. Progress.

More Ridiculousness

Sometimes I think kids might speak another language. Manny says a lot of things that I don't always understand right away. For example--what would you think "Pennysaucer" might mean? It later developed to "paNEEsaucer" with the emphasis on "nee." Finally, months later, he used it in a context I could understand. We were playing a game of stop-go (red light green light) and he told me to be the paNEEsaucer. Get it now? Police Officer! Maybe someday I will figure out all that he is saying. Any idea what BACKetabow means? Me neither. I'll let you know when I find out.
And today during sacrament meeting we had an entertaining re-enactment. I have been trying to encourage reverence and thinking about Jesus especially while the sacrament is being passed. It kind of worked today. Manny decided to re-enact Jesus calming the storm. He pretended to be asleep while I had to pretend to row the boat, then act scared, then wake him up (he got to play the part of Jesus) and tell him I was scared. Then he would hold up his hands and say, "Peace. Be still." Now repeat multiple times. Pretty funny, huh? Not necessarily what I was going for, but it's better than playing with motorcycles and making loud noises. And all of this dramatic acting was even done in whispers, so I'd say it was kind of reverent. And it was about Jesus, right?

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Fun Times

I had a meeting at school (which was only going to be 10 minutes, but I had to go) so my friend Sara and I decided to bring our kids. We had done this once before, and the kids had so much fun, we thought we could try it again.
Who knew riding the bus could be so much fun and so exciting? Somehow, after riding it everyday it had lost its excitement for me and Sara.

Fruit Loop Smile!

Notice the sweet tat on my arm. Manny has been really into tattoos (hence the Rex and alien from Toy Story 3 on his arm). I was blessed for Manny to pick out a Mater tattoo from Cars. Pretty tough looking, huh?
When I pushed the exposure button on the camera both were sticking out their tongues, but now it just looks like my kid is being rude.
Now there's Diego's tongue
This is the 2nd baby I've seen that likes the binky in upside down.
I am definitely pleased that Manny will now look at the camera when asked to, and will even smile, but not so pleased that this is the smile that often results. Actually, I think it is really funny and cute.

We recently went to my cousin's house and Manny got to hang out with the family. You can always count on them for a good time.
Manny even learned how to drive a "tractor." (Good thing Jaya was there to help guide it.)

Look at that concentration.
He got to jump on the furniture.
Rylee, Jaya , and Kai having fun.

He also almost figured out how to use a "real" pistola. (Manny's uncle Danilo has taught him about guns and they pretend fight. Now Manny tries to involve me. I tell him we only use water guns when we fight.)
Fun times. Fun times.

Happy Easter

This was our first year dying eggs. The neighbor kids even came to join us unexpectedly. And this picture was taken right before they knocked over one of the bowls of dye. I'm sure my mother-in-law wanted a green sidewalk, right?

This is a picture of Manny being a bird in a nest. Again, with the weirdness/funniness. There is a small round indentation in the yard, and he did this "role play" on his own.

The finished products!!! (Notice no green ones. Sad face.) We just stuck with simple designs our first year.

The Easter Bunny came while Manny was napping. When he woke up he got to go on a fun (actually pretty lame) egg hunt. It had been raining off and on, so we just did it inside.

His loot.

Manny reading his book he got in his Easter basket. Note to self--The Easter Bunny should always completely read the book before buying. It looked like a really cute book about a frog on the outside, but as I was reading it, we discovered it was all about the frog eating different bugs, and then the frog gets eaten at the end by a big fish. I guess it teaches about the food chain. No matter. Manny still loves it (he loves any book) and likes to re-enact it.

Manny sharing with Papi. Notice the robot leg.

Manny again used his creativity to use half of the egg to become a pirate and pretend to fight me. I also had to cover my eye with an egg.