Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Finally back (Manny named this post, he says it's because we haven't blogged in a long time, which is true)

The boys' newest idea is to name the baby Bellybutton and we would call her Bell (if it's a girl). I told them I would think about it, but maybe when they're grown ups they can try to convince their wives that's a good idea.

The boys were complaining about having to take out the garbage again (although all they have to do is ride in the car with it for as long as it takes to drive to the dumpsters of our apartment). And Marcel said, "Maybe we could just stop eating for a while." Ha! Ha! Ha!

I love listening to Marcel when he is just talking to himself. After he went poop he would say, "Wapow!"  Or when driving in the car he had a box of nerds (awful, I know, but he had earned them), and I heard him try to shake them into his hand. And it was way too hard/fast. I heard a sprinkling of nerds tumble to the ground. He said, "Maybe I should try it softer." Soft shake. "Yeah. That's better."

Manny went to the orthodontist and got an expander that I get to turn a key every day to widen it. Manny calls it "cranking" because it makes him cranky. Awesome. Not really. Manny cried a lot about it at first, but has gotten really good about it being in his mouth.

Manny is getting better at controlling his temper/managing his anger. (Manny asked that I put this in here, to chart his progress?)

And the boys have recently started singing their prayers. I've been having a hard time getting anyone else to pray, but after Manny sang his prayer to "A Child's Prayer" it's been a lot more fun apparently. Marcel's don't really follow a specific tune or song, but just a singsong voice. Whatever works right now, right?

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