Friday, January 17, 2014

Flashback Oct-Nov

Mainly this is just a post full of pictures

So next was the church Halloween party. Manny got to choose Papi's costume. He's a robber-can you tell? (he's wearing stripes)

I loved another family's costumes. Even funnier was that the wife had to feed the husband because he couldn't get his arms to his face.

He was the tin man. With an amazing homemade costume.
(Terrible pictures, but I'll remember what it looked like in my head.)

And the Wicked Witch was feeding him. They also had a lion, the Good Witch, a scarecrow, plus a bunch more. You'd need a lot of kids to pull this off. Good thing they have 6.

Can you tell who I was? I was supposed to be Hermana Encarnacion (the nun friend from Nacho Libre), but Manny decided "nobody can be from the same movie. So he renamed me Frauline Maria from the Sound of Music. A nun's a nun, right?

Sadly, out of the 7 pictures I took of our beautiful carved pumpkin, this is the best I got.

School parade

Class picture. Notice the cute ladybug in the back. I think that's the little girl Manny has a crush on, but don't tell anyone. It's a secret.

Then we went trick or treating with friends. Good thing Manny has a lot of costumes so he can switch it up when he wants.

Running off in a candy frenzy

Beautiful princesses (Isabella and he mom Sara-our friends)

Marcelito telling me which way to go

Our other friends (Diego and his dad-the power ranger). I'm glad Manny had a friend to go with

Marcel's bucket getting too heavy

Creepy eyes. Thanks school, for giving him those ridiculous glasses

Someone at work gave Luis those disgusting looking teeth. Manny thought they were awesome.

We got to go to our favorite kid museum-Marble's

Marcel's shirt got too wet.

Marcel's 2nd birthday!

Manny giving good advice on how to open presents.

Marcel really digging in

I promise he was happy with his toys, although it may not look like it

A super hero cell phone

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

More stories-runny nose, finger hairs, star wars, pony, ow

More silliness at our house I don't want to forget

Manny had a runny nose, and in his defense I think he gets more dramatic the worse he feels/more tired he is. He could only breathe out of one nostril and started crying hysterically. I said, "It'll get better." He responded with ,"When I die it'll get better!"

Manny calls hang nails "finger hairs."

Manny has really been into Star Wars Angry Birds. I'm not even sure who taught him how to play, but he may be a little obsessed. Sadly, for him, I don't let him play all the time so he has to use his imagination. He now builds giant armies of Star Wars Angry Birds out of trios (lego-like blocks) and I have to watch him and sometimes participate in it (although I never play anything right, according to him). He knows all the characters and what exactly they do. He liked them and talked about it so much we thought he might like the actual Star Wars. We were right. He loves it and talks about it all the time. We started out with the classics (#s 4, 5, and 6), and then let him watch parts of the others (they aren't nearly as exciting and #3 may be a bit scary). Funny that he doesn't like loud noises. He thought it was cool that Luke got his hand chopped off and could get a cool robot arm, but we had to watch a lot of it with the mute on. He says, "Push mutate!"

We are working on being better at eating different things. Marcel is great, but Manny still struggles. I made a chicken bake one night. He ate it pretty calmly, but I heard a lot of, "Please don't make me ever eat this again," "Every time I eat a bite I feel like I need to throw up", etc. All said very calmly and matter of fact. Still working on it.

Manny has been ending up in our bed sometimes. His latest story has been, "A pony came into my room and told me to go into your bed." Interesting. So one night after he came in I waited a while and excitedly said, "Did you hear that? It's the pony. He wants you to go back to your bed." He looked at me with a serious look on his face and said, "The pony only talks to me. And he only comes to me one time a night. He's done for the night." Then he rolled over.

I love how Marcel points at his nose to say, "Shh."

He gives the best, most amazing hugs, and gives a lot of them. He also still likes to smell you when he pulls your face close to his. It's the best.

Marcel has mastered the art of drama (most likely learned from Manny). He has figured out he gets the most reaction when he says Ow. Manny and he would be playing and I would hear him scream-OW!!! I would race into to the room to just find him frustrated with a toy that wasn't doing what he wanted it to. Another time he screamed-OW!!! and I rushed in to find that Manny wouldn't give him a toy he wanted. Awesome. Do you think he's too young to understand "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" story?