Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Jokester

Manny is becoming quite the jokester. He is really good at hiding things and hiding himself. He will hide under a blanket or under a laundry basket and wait patiently until you find him. I only sometimes hear little giggling. And he thinks he is hilarious when he does this.

He also has really caught on to the meaning of "Tada!" When we were at the library the other day he found a book he has been looking for for over a month (we checked it out one time and now he asks for it everytime we go to the library). He would not put it in the bag; he wanted to carry it around himself. We are walking around looking for other books and I turn around and he is not holding his book. "Emanuel, where is your book?" I ask in a panic. I immediately start looking around for it, asking people around us if they have seen this book. Then I hear, "TADA!" He had set it on a shelf and remembered where he had put it. He was so proud of his little joke.

Later that day he had been picking at his nose (he has had a little cold so had tons of crusties on the outside. They seemed to come back as fast as I would clean them. We were at home so I figured I didn't care--I would probably want them off, too). All of a sudden I hear, "TADA!" He has a giant, disgusting booger on his finger and looked so proud of his work, like he had been working at it all day and had finally gotten it off. Gross.

And now his latest trick is that he thinks he is a professional joke teller. It took me a long time to figure out what he was saying, but he says, "Peanut Butter. Jelly. Sandwich" and then laughs hysterically. He will say this over and over and he never gets tired of it. (I believe he told that joke to me constantly for at least 15 minutes the other night.) And he says it like it is a joke. I am really trying to capture it on video. Maybe it will be funnier if you actually hear/see it.

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