Sunday, September 29, 2013

Flashback April-May 2013

So here are a bunch of random pictures starting from April. 
We went to a spring festival. There is always something going on around here and we try to go to some of them.

For some reason Manny likes to pretend to be a dancing dead guy. Here is his impression.

These were some fun singers/musicians that were traveling around the festival. Manny was so excited to get his picture taken with them. Can you tell?

Riding around the apartment

Manny packed a backpacks for his brother and himself to "save time when it's time to go to Iowa. So I'll be ready"   It was May and we were leaving in August. But way to be prepared.


Spiderman impressions

This is after he just jumped off the arm of the couch. Pretty good impression though huh?

Pretending to sleep.

Playing hide and seek

And chase

Manny took swimming lessons. Which was not as successful as I thought it would be. Lots of crying, no face putting in the water, and after all of it he tells me he already knows how to swim and he never wants to take swim lessons again. All of our real swimming success has come from going to the pool as much as we can and hanging out with other kids who know how to swim.

We went strawberry picking

Manny graduated from preschool! And he's going back to the same school next year. He barely makes the cutoff for kindergarten, but we decided another year of preschool won't hurt him. 

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