Saturday, February 16, 2013

Randoms and Christmas!

So here are a bunch of random pictures I haven't put in


Marcel chasing me
Acting out the Nativity. We had to act it out probably 4 times before he would go to bed
Sweet Baby Jesus laid his head on a bunch of costumes, right?
 And I need to remember to somehow take better pictures of actual Christmas. Everone looks sad, but they really were happy. I promise.
Manny's toothbrush that "makes silly noises"-electric toothbrush

Marcel asking for candy

Books, books, books. We love books

Thanks Jessie! Ha ! Ha!

Thanks Mom!

Aunt Sarah made these awesome masks. And Manny had to try them all on and look in the mirror. Amazing that they went along with the costumes I gave him for Christmas (from Halloween Clearance)

Then we went to the Abuelo's and Abuela's where they got spoiled rotten
Luis with my first NIECE. Yay! Isn't she so cute? Kahomey smiles a lot, but I could never catch it on camera.

I forgot to put a picture of Lucila and David and Kahomey. What a cute family

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