Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Planet Texas, Primary Program, and Hair Cut (Finally!)

So these pictures are from September/October-ish.
Funny story about this picture. I don't know if anyone else does, but we often have bedtime issues. I remember this night. I put Manny to bed at 8:30. I could hear him in his room (playing, reading books, who knows), but he wasn't being loud so I didn't care. He's got to fall asleep sometime, right? It is 11:30 and I am walking to bed and all of a sudden I hear something behind me. I turn around fast and this is what I find. I can't help but laugh, and I couldn't stop laughing for a long time. He told me he was an alien. From the "Planet Texas!" Not quite so funny the next 2 nights he tried it. He looked hurt and asked why I didn't laugh or take a picture. I had to try to explain that it was only funny the one time and it's not something I encourage him to do in the middle of the night. 
Manny had his Primary Program. He did so great. He has a lovely voice and I could hear him the whole time. He loves to sing. This was when he first started practicing so he was better by the time the program came along.

This is the nicest picture I could get of the boys in their matching skeleton pajamas.  

And Manny finally fot his hair cut!

I always forget it looks pretty terrible the first day or two. But still a cute boy.

 How sweet

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