Sunday, September 16, 2012

Bugfest 2012!

We went to a really fun event at the Museum of Natural Sciences in downtown Raleigh (Manny's favorite local museum). It was Bugfest where you could learn about bugs, visit the new part of the museum that recently opened, try some new things, etc.
Here is Manny getting his face painted. He cried when it came off that night

What handsome guys

They had this cool section where you could try all these bugs cooked deliciously. They were surprisingly good. I'm not sure all the things we ate, but I definitely saw crickets and meal worms. They were in ice cream, on top of pizza, dipped in chocolate, and some tasted kind of like popcorn. I was a fan of the crunchy ones, not so much the chewy ones.

Manny surprised me and tried all of them. He even liked them. He told me he liked their crunchy legs and the ones he could dip in chocolate.

a salad if you're eating light

The new part of the museum. Isn't it cool looking?
And a family picture
A fun time was had by all. We will definitely by coming back next year.

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