Sunday, April 1, 2012

Easter Presentation

Manny had his preschool presentation and Easter party this past week. They sang "Oh, How I Love Jesus" and "Our God is an Awesome God" Classic Southern songs. It was super funny.This is where the kids were walking in and he said loudly, "That's my mami"

"Oh, How I Love Jesus!"

More kids not really paying attention. And boy am I glad I have a boy. We only had to decorate a tie--not those fancy bonnets.

How cute are these Easter baskets made from milk jugs? He has such great teachers. And please notice the super cheesy smile. I'm thinking that's a phase, right?

Running to gather eggs. I love the little girl in the dress and boots.

"Smiling" with his Easter candy.
P.S. Notice the Batman shirt. I kept trying to get him to wear something nice for his presentation, but he would have nothing to do with it. Abuelo and Abuela bought him this shirt and this is all he ever wants to wear.

Smiley boy

And my attempt to get a group photo. Maybe next time. Maybe next time

1 comment:

  1. fyi, those are just classic christian songs. i remember singing them at my friends church growing up. haha. and i hope manny doesn't grow out of that cheesey smile because it's SOOOO cute!
