Saturday, January 29, 2011


Again, with the lateness. I am not so good with keeping up, and you really have to have time to upload things, because the blogger site sometimes decides it doesn't want to do its job and upload your photos.
But here is Manny coloring his pumpkins we got at the pumpkin farm. And being supervised by Abuelo.
And I know how super ghetto it is that he is using hilighters to color his pumpkin. I couldn't find our paint. And he was happy. He didn't care.

Getting comfortable.

Then it turned to this.

"That tickles!"

And the following small pictures are supposed to be at the end, but obviously I had problems with the loader. This was at the ward Trunk or Treat when Luis and Manny were playing ball in the gym. After Manny would kick it he would strike a pose and keep it for a while. It was really weird and funny.

And of course Manny didn't want to wear his costume. Since he wanted to wear his hat I tried to pass him off as a UNC fan.

Here he is with one of his friends (James, his mom watches Manny one day a week, so they're pretty good buds).

Manny laughing with his loot

And out attempt at a family photo. Notice the donuts we swiped at the end of the party. Don't worry, they wanted to get rid of them

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