Friday, December 17, 2010

Fall, Try #2

We will try this again. This is Manny's first experience in a bouncy house. He had to wait so impatiently until it was his turn (the nice lady waited until they had a group of small kids, that way only small kids would be jumping and there would hopefully be no trampling of small children). When it was the small kids' turn Manny got up there and did this. Other kids had to crawl around him. I kep trying to tell him he could stand up and jump like his friends. Follow his friends' example (although I don't always encourage this)! But no. This is what you were so excited to do? Lay there like a blob? Apparently, yes. When the little kids' turn was over he didn't seem displeased with his attempt.
I am a failure. It did it again. It always posts the pictures on top! Try #3 will soon follow.

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