Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Normal humans, martial arts, diarrhea

We went to our first pack meeting last night. Manny was in the group that was walking the flag up the the front of the room. In the audience we put our hands over our hearts, but anyone who is a scout does a salute. Marcel commented, "Ohh. So anyone who is a scout does this (as he does a salute), and all the normal humans do this (hand over heart), right?" Yes. That's right.

Manny was so excited to tell me he does martial arts at school.
Me-Wow. Martial arts. Really?
Manny- Yes. 
Me-Martial arts. Like karate? 
Manny-Well, maybe it was something else. Something arts.
Me-Okay, what does it involve?
Manny-Reading, writing.
Me-Maybe you mean language arts?
Manny-Yes! That's it. I really love it
Me-I'm glad.

"I can't wait until I go to heaven and I won't have to poop anymore. I'll go to heaven and get all fixed up, right?"-Marcel while having diarrhea