Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Normal humans, martial arts, diarrhea

We went to our first pack meeting last night. Manny was in the group that was walking the flag up the the front of the room. In the audience we put our hands over our hearts, but anyone who is a scout does a salute. Marcel commented, "Ohh. So anyone who is a scout does this (as he does a salute), and all the normal humans do this (hand over heart), right?" Yes. That's right.

Manny was so excited to tell me he does martial arts at school.
Me-Wow. Martial arts. Really?
Manny- Yes. 
Me-Martial arts. Like karate? 
Manny-Well, maybe it was something else. Something arts.
Me-Okay, what does it involve?
Manny-Reading, writing.
Me-Maybe you mean language arts?
Manny-Yes! That's it. I really love it
Me-I'm glad.

"I can't wait until I go to heaven and I won't have to poop anymore. I'll go to heaven and get all fixed up, right?"-Marcel while having diarrhea

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Making the world a better place

In school Manny's class has been talking about what makes a good citizen. Manny often likes to tell me that when he grows up and has kids he won't give any consequences, will give his kids whatever they want, and let them do whatever they want. And that is how he will make the world a better place.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Apostles, gift of hunger, babies, flowed, praying for Satan

Marcel saw me reading a general conference talk and it had a picture of President Uchtdorf. Marcel pointed and said, "Remember that guy?" I thought-how cute he remembers. But then he said, "We get candy with that guy." He remembers alright, but he just remembers we play conference bingo and get to eat candy.

Manny was asking me for something to eat. I said it wasn't time to eat yet and he cried, "But I have the gift of hunger!....and music."

Manny cried that boys have the boring part and girls have the best part in growing babies.

Manny shared with me what he thought was a revelation. "I know why you and Papi aren't having a baby." Oh, really? "It's because Papi doesn't spend enough time with us as a family and with you."  Luis has been working a lot lately... Sad.

"Look a bird!" I turn around and Marcel says, "Oooh, sorry. He already flowed." Past tense sure is tricky.

Manny frequently prays that Satan "will feel the spirit" or that Heavenly Father will "keep encouraging Satan to make good choices." At least he's caught on to my teaching of not giving up on someone, that you can always be better/make better choices. Manny likes to remind me that Heavenly Father still loves Satan, just not his choices.