Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Sidenote. Baby Skills

I must say in Luis' defense he actually did have an experience in Peru with rats and I would be terrified too. The way I phrased it made him seem a bit of a crybaby. And he does have a soft heart. Unlike me-a stone heart.

My baby has recently aquired some skills of which I am not too excited about. He can now zip/unzip and tear things open with hands or teeth. I discovered this whe he got into the cabinets and tore open granola bars, cake mixes, and boxes of jello. And he's really fast. I take him from one situation or take something from him and he already has something else.
Example-I am sitting in the livingroom and hear a funny sound. I get up to find he has dumped a box of Cheerios in the hallway. As I pick this up I find that he has grabbed handfuls of Cheerios, somehow gotten a hold of a banana (and put the pieces in a bowl), and is mixing them all together/stirring it with my toothbrush (that he got from my purse through unzipping). Terrible.