Friday, June 15, 2012


Make that 7 teeth Marcel has (another lateral on top).
And this morning Papi found Marcel playing witha new playmate. He was playing with a spider. Gross. Like we don't have enough toys or a brother to play with. Maybe it's time to call the bug guys again.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


So this is what I find one morning.
Who knew he could pull himself to standing? He just barely turned 7 months! He now stands at the toybox and empties it. The problem is that he is great at getting himself up, but not so much at getting down. And some kids will just cry until someone comes to help them, but not Marcel. He thinks he can do it on his own. So he will just try to drop down--which means he often hits his face or head. It's like I have to follow him everywhere so he doesn't kill himself. This should only last a couple of weeks, right?

And now he has found my secret hiding spot. Under the stroller is where I would keep things I didn't want Luis to clean. Luis is really good at cleaning, but he doesn't usually remember where he puts things. So that is where I would put things, 'cause who looks under the stroller? Marcel does.


Here are some of the faces of Marcel

He likes to rest with his feet up in the stroller. Doesn't really look that comfortable to me.

Here is a shot of his 6 teeth. Six teeth! (I also just wanted to show how goofy he looks with his different sized teeth. Kind of snaggle tooth. He has 3 on the upper-the lateral on the left, and 3 on the lower-the lateral again on the left)