Sunday, February 27, 2011

More than just bouncy house success

I figure I should probably post other things about Manny rather than just his bouncy house success.
Manny loves books, loves to point out letters, sing the alphabet, talk about colors (I think his favorite at this time, or at least the ones he talks about the most, are green, orange, red, and yellow). He loves to count (up to 10 and then some random teens in English, and up to 10 in Spanish, but sometimes with a little help). He still mostly speaks in English, but understands Spanish. I try the little Spanish I know, but he just looks at me like, "That's not your real language," and then answers me in English.
And sadly he quotes movies a lot. He can see it once and repeat scenes and lines. And often it is the thing I least want him to pick up on. The latest is from the Shrek #4 (I know, maybe not the best choice for a 2 yr-old) movie. Out of the whole thing he picks up where an evil witch yells, "Shut your mouth!" We keep having to talk about how we don't say that, the witch said that and she is not nice, we shouldn't so things like her, she's mean, etc. He thankfully hasn't said it in a while, but there have been other instances. Like in "Despicable Me" where a kid says "My dad is going to kick your butt." Awful! I know! He watched it at a friend's house, and thankfully only said that once to the friend's mom. She did a great job and tried not to make a big deal out of it. He hasn't repeated it since. I never realized I watched such terrible movies. It is making me be more aware of what we are watching.
Maybe I should get some Jesus movies.

Birthday Party and Bouncy House Retry

My friend's daughter turned one last weekend, and they decided they were going to have a big party for her (actually I think it was more for the other kids, but oh well, everyone had fun). And cool thing is that they own bouncy houses that they rent for parties.
So, at first I thought it was going to be a repeat of last time. Laying there like a blob, observing everyone else jumping.

I had to move him to the side so he wouldn't get trampled

Now here he is, thinking about jumping. Standing up, at least making progress.

Our friend Zylen is trying to show him how fun it is. Notice the concentration on Manny's face



Bouncy houses are fun!

There was quite a bit of wrastling. This poor teenager got designated the official target.

Sara and Diego


The birthday cake and family. How cute!

Monika and Zylen

Pinata! (Who knows how to make a n~? Any ideas? Let me know)

Fun times were had by all. Diego and Manny and Zylen were running around for quite some time. I had hopes it might wear off some of the sugar high (yes, I know there isn't really such a thing, but I was hoping he might at least go to sleep on time), but no such luck.

Yes, that is a sucker. Don't worry, he only had it a couple of minutes before I told him I should "watch it"while he was running, and then I magically lost it (in the garbage). I am totally a hard candy nazi. I am super paranoid he's going to get a cavity. We also don't really drink juice, soda pop, etc. He can hate me later (but maybe his teeth will thank me. maybe.). He doesn't know the difference now.

I finally snagged the birthday girl, Isabella, and got a picture.

Now here she is with her mom. Can you tell she didn't have a nap? Well, we are so glad she sacrificed for her friends, and we are glad we got invited to this really fun party for beautiful Isabella