Thursday, August 25, 2011

Manny's Birthday!

Here is Manny opening his present from Granny. Funny that we didn't know it was wrapped inside the package.
Yay! He found it.

Cars, a coloring book, and crayons!!!
Manny loves his "racing cars" and tells everyone he sees that Granny gave him racing cars. We play with them a lot. Thanks Granny.
Papi and I go him a harmonica, some rocket balloons (he is scared of, he hid under the table when Papi tried one), a Matching/Memory Game, etc.
This is what was given to him for breakfast. The peanut butter from me, and the cupcake from Papi.
This is what he ate.
Here is the finished pato!! Isn't it beautiful? Papi had to go to school and do some homework so Manny and I relaxed and played with toys, then went to pick up hid pato, and stopped at the temple and the church bookstore. Manny's been asking to go see the temple so we went to the church next to it and looked at the temple.
I caught him sitting like this.
After I took the first picture he wanted another one, so here is the posed hands in his face (all his idea). What a weird kid.

If you look super close in the clouds you can actually see the temple and Angel Moroni in the background.
Then we had a party at Abuela's and Abuelo's. The traditional tres leches cake. And we celebrated mine a little early, too

Manny getting money (to support his "sweet chicken" addiction--he loves this restaurant called Thai China, actually it is all of our favorites, but turns out you need money to go there).
Presents from Abuela and Abuelo. They went the high tech route.
Manny loves his "computer"
It doesn't look like he likes it, but he does.
Thank goodness Tio Dani was there to undo all the packaging. Here is Manny "helping"
Teaching him how to drive his remote control car

We sure are going to miss Tio Danilo when he leaves

Paint Your Pot

We decided to try out a pottery place. It was really funny. manny picked out a pato (duck) and was pertty serious about painting it. For about 2 minutes. Then he was done. We had to help him and encourage him. But he did such a great job.

Look at that concentration, and me laughing in the background.

Finally almost looking at the camera.

Museum of Natural Science

We now live by another great museum. And this one is free!!! So this one is called the Museum of Natural Sciences I think. We had a lot of fun looking at animals.

But mostly we had fun looking at the dinosaurs.

They even had a little movie which showed a little dinosaur (a meat eater) biting a big dinosaur (a plant eater). We had to watch it many times. Above is a picture of Manny pointing to the the littler dinosaur and then at the big dinosaur and describing how he bit him. He was really excited about this. And has talked about it a lot.

Another sad attempt at a family picture. Maybe I should wear shirts that don't look so ridiculously tight. I didn't realize I looked so silly until I looked at pictures
There was actually tons of interesting things to see, but this is all I got pictures of. And we had to keep coming back to the dinosaurs.
We had a wonderful day. Hopefully we can go again soon.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Best package ever

Manny and I got a wonderful surprise the other day. We got the best package ever!! It was filled with fun and ridiculous things (along with some practical things). Examples are a bowling set, tons of outside things like bubbles and chalk, silly putty, army guys, a movie, candy, etc. But my favorite thing (of the ridiculous) for me was a slap bracelet. I think Manny's right now is the bowling set. He sadly had been using Little People (again) for bowling pins. Very creative, I know. A great improviser.
Sorry, we don't always wear pants at our house

My beautiful slap bracelt.
Thanks Sarah and Meggie (and cousins for the wonderful pictures on our fridge) for the great package.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Music Stylings of Manny Vergaray

Manny loves to sing. Here are some samplings. It is often without the computer, but I thought I should put it in there so you know what the songs are supposed to sound like. The first is Manny singing a Mana song with Papi and the second is the "Tonight" song from hot chelle rae. Thanks Jessie's wedding reception dj for introducing my son to this song.

Exercising and Strawberry Jam

Manny exercising. Just like Papi
He is so strong!

And I tried to make freezer jam. Maybe not as easy as I thought. Sure, mixing and cooking was plenty easy. But turns out you really do have to measure. My brother in-law helped me (over the phone) guesstimate how much to put in of everything. Maybe I should have read the back of the box.
Manny was a great helper. Mashing, mashing.
And he was even a happy helper.
So it didn't turn to jam, but it made some delicious syrup for our waffles. And I think we like it better than if it would have turned into jam. Now, to figure out how to do that again....